Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Happy New Year to our faithful blog readers! Uh, I guess that means happy new year to our moms...

We're really excited about 2010--it's the first year we don't have any moves planned, we both have jobs (although there will be change this year r/e my job), and we have nothing major on our calendars. We are planning on a couple of great vacations, including 1-2 international trips, which I'm thrilled about, as usual! The plan is to settle into our house and make it look great, and spend quality time with our friends, here in Raleigh and in other parts of the country/world.

Also to come this year--I have a new blog project in the works. I'm excited about it, and will post an update here when it's live.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. and me! happy new year to you too =) i can't wait to see the new blog project. i started one, but never followed through with it. maybe i will someday...i just can't really get into the blog thing as something other than op ed/personal stuff. ugh.
