Monday, January 26, 2009

The Challenges of Picking Up and Moving...

So, along the way, we've encountered some rough spots in the road to moving.  Here are a few from my perspective.  
  • It is really difficult to work full time, study for another state's bar, and go to school.
  • It is also really difficult to write a thesis (for the writer, not the wife anyway!)
  • It's too bad each day doesn't have 30 hours in it.  Sure would make 1) and 2) way easier to do!
  • Signing up for cable/phone/internet is really difficult.  I thought being with Comcast was bad--but they're way more transparent than the providers in North Carolina!
  • Signing up for utilities isn't even easy to figure out, despite having done this at least 8x between us in our lifetimes.
  • I subscribe to way too many magazines.  It's really tedious to change all those addresses (especially when I keep forgetting whether they use my maiden name or my married name!)
  • The last week of work at a job is surprisingly difficult (regarding the workload)--I'm working more this week than any of the preceeding six weeks!  Probably helped that all those weeks either had holidays or vacation days in them...
  • I'm discovering as each day goes by that my Atlanta friends are either better friends than I ever thought they could be, or not good friends at all.  That distinction is helpful when moving away.  
  • We're (sadly) discovering lots of new, fun places/events that we'd never experienced before--including All Fired Up!, a paint-your-own pottery studio which is great!  Why we didn't get out to see them before the last week of living in Atlanta is your guess...

About Meric

So...we're about to start a whole new chapter in our lives.  Until the end of the week, we will be living in Atlanta.  Starting Friday, we're moving to North Carolina!  We've been married since August 5, 2007, and have been together for four years.  We are each others' best friends, and love our cat-children, Tiger and Snowflake.  We love being together, being outdoors, and being with our friends.

For the past 2.5 years, I've been a child advocate attorney in Atlanta, and for the past 5.5 years, Eric has been a graduate student at Georgia Tech.  North Carolina is somewhere that we both have known for a few years that we'd like to live (our forever home, if you will), and when Eric got an offer for a post-doctoral fellowship in Chapel Hill, it was destiny (fate?) calling.  He accepted, and the plans were set in motion!  Today, all our stuff has been loaded into "pods" (little metal shed-like things that are sitting in the driveway and street), and our stuff will be headed to the Triangle tomorrow!  We're taking this as a fresh start--for our lives and our careers, and we can't wait!

Welcome to MericWorld!

Welcome to MericWorld--a little taste of the world of Mary & Eric Horowitz.  We've started this blog as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, at the beginning of a new chapter of our lives.  We're both excited for what the world has to offer, and can't wait to face it together.